Nipun tagged me on this……Quite an interesting tag but uninteresting answers from my side…explanations could have made it more interesting….
Rules Go Like These -------
RULE 1- You can only say Guilty or Innocent.
RULE 2- You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks!
RULE 3- Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag to your friends to answer this.
Asked someone to marry you?
InnocentEver kissed someone of the same sex?
InnocentDanced on a table in a bar?
InnocentEver told a lie?
GuiltyHad feelings for someone whom you can’t have back?
GuiltyKissed a picture?
InnocentSlept in until 5 PM?
InnocentFallen asleep at work/school?
Guilty Held a snake?
GuiltyBeen suspended from school?
InnocentWorked at a fast food restaurant?
InnocentStolen from a store?
InnocentBeen fired from a job?
InnocentDone something you regret?
GuiltyLaughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
GuiltyCaught a snowflake on your tongue?
InnocentKissed in the rain?
GuiltySat on a roof top?
GuiltyKissed someone you shouldn't?
InnocentSang in the shower?
GuiltyBeen pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Guilty Shaved your head?
InnocentHad a boxing membership?
Innocent Made a girlfriend cry? InnocentBeen in a band?
Innocent Shot a gun?
GuiltyDonated Blood?
InnocentEaten alligator meat?
InnocentEaten cheesecake?
InnocentStill love someone you shouldn’t?
InnocentHave/had a tattoo?
InnocentLiked someone, but will never tell who?
GuiltyBeen too honest?
GuiltyRuined a surprise?
InnocentAte in a restaurant and got really bloated that you couldn’t walk afterward?
InnocentErased someone in your friends list?
InnocentDressed in a woman’s clothes (if you’re a guy) or man’s clothes (if you’re a girl)?
GuiltyJoined a pageant?
InnocentBeen told that you’re handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said?
GuiltyHad communication with your ex?
InnocentGot totally drunk on the night before exam?
InnocentGot totally angry that you cried so hard?
GuiltyHmm….thnx Nipun for making live the past….memories rushed in one by one…
I pass on this tag to -
Nu, BS, Gaurav Agarwal, Blunt Edeges, And Jon..............:-) Enjoy